ISTE NETS 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

Program of Study

Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices. Teachers:





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4a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.
As we discussed the topics of Internet safety and ethical issues relating to Internet use, I realized I did not know enough about these issues. I began to research the topics, looking for information for my personal use and for sites that were suitable for student use. I compiled the best resources and created a page on Internet safety and a page on copyright issues, and I added those pages to my  class website. I am currently developing lessons around these selected sites that I will use in my classes.
When I decided to use the Vark Learning Skills survey with my class, I made sure that I first asked for and received permission to do so from the authors, and I cited their copyright as they requested.

Selected Artifacts

Internet Safety

Copyright Issues

Vark Learning Survey

4b. address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.

I try to address the diverse needs of my students by providing them with options that meet their needs. I have had students who could not write legibly due to disabilities, so I allowed those students to type notes on the computer or dictate them to an aide. Another time I had a student with a hearing impairment, and she used a voice amplifier in class. I try to adapt my lessons as needed in order to meet the needs of each student. I examined the equity issues in our district by completing an Equity Evaluation, and I've included a link to the Vark Learning Styles site on my class site to help my students identify their personal learning styles.

Selected Artifacts

Equity Evaluation

Vark Learning Styles Survey

4c. promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.
I try to model digital etiquette by observing copyright rules and asking for permission to use materials developed by others. I am careful in how I express myself online, and I try to not publish anything that might be considered offensive. I get parental permission before I put student work on my web page. We have permission forms for publishing student work and/or pictures as part of our Acceptable Use Policy. I use copyright free materials on my website when possible, and if I need to use copyrighted material, I request permission before using the material. I've also included links on Netiquette to my class site.
I am currently developing lessons to go along with the sites that I linked to my copyright and Internet safety pages. These are "kid friendly" sites that will help my students understand copyright issues and the importance of using the Internet safely. One of my Internet safety lessons is on cyber bullying. I use the Cyber Smart site to introduce the topic of cyber bullying and discuss the negative impact it has on students. 

Selected Artifacts

Copyright Issues

Internet Safety

4d. develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools.

I have engaged with colleagues and students of other cultures by being involved in this online program. It has been a great learning experience to interact with students and teachers from so many varied places. I've learned so much about how educational issues tend to be similar for all of us, even though we are in quite different situations. I hope to provide this kind of opportunity for my students by involving them in online collaborative projects through Global Schoolnet or similar projects. I hope to help my students make connections with students in other parts of the world. The lack of diversity in my school district often contributes to intolerance for cultural differences. Through online collaborative projects, I can help my students see that students who seem to be quite different from them actually are very much like them.

A student from Turkey visited our classroom this past year, and as he talked to us about his home and school in Turkey, we were able to view pictures from the Internet about the places he was describing. This coming year I hope to continue our discussion by connecting with this student through email.

One of my students was able to go to Mexico this past year. Upon her return, she used Photo Story to give our class a virtual tour of Mexico. This worked so well we are going to have several virtual tours of areas visited by my students this summer.



Selected Artifacts

PBS Teacherline

Technology in Schools Program of Study

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